
Jennifer Manning Plassnig offers trauma-informed holistic therapy services for individuals, families, and groups. Licensed in Maryland, Virginia, Florida, Massachusetts, and South Carolina, we provide both in-person and virtual therapeutic support tailored to your unique needs.

phone: 410-203-2411
fax: 410-418-4665


10709 Birmingham Way
Woodstock, MD 21163

Land Acknowledgment: I live and have my office on the traditional lands of the Piscataway–the original keepers of the land we call Maryland. This land was stolen, the people of these nations were killed, and their culture was taken from them. I honor the elders, past and present by acknowledging them here and by giving to their causes.

10709 Birmingham Way Woodstock, MD 21163

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Any information submitted using this form will be stored temporarily on my site's web server. Access to this area of the server is limited to myself and my website administrator, and form data is routinely purged once I have received your information. Please feel free to instead contact me at or 410-203-2411.

If you should experience a need for emergency services, the following are available:

  • 988: Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. For more information, visit
  • 211, press 1: Maryland's helpline. Mobile crisis support, general crisis intervention, phone support, information, and referrals. For more information, visit
  • Text HOME to 741741: Crisis text line. For more information, visit
  • Located in Howard County? Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 410-531-6677, 6700 Freetown Road, Columbia MD, 21044
  • Located in Montgomery County? Call the 24-Hour Crisis Center at 240-777-4000 or walk in at 1301 Piccard Dr, Rockville, MD 20850. For more information, visit
  • Located in Carroll County? Call the Carroll County Crisis Response (9am-9pm): 410-952-9552
  • Located in Frederick County? Call the MHA Crisis Center at 1-866-411-6803 or walk in at 226 S Jefferson St, Frederick, MD 21701. For more information, visit
  • 800-422-0009: Maryland Crisis Hotline. State-wide 24-hour crisis intervention and supportive counseling hotline for SUICIDE, family and relationship problems, shelter needs, violent or threatening domestic situations, loneliness, depression, chemical dependency issues, and others.
  • 866-488-7366: The Trevor Project Lifeline. LGBTQ+ friendly. For more information, visit
  • 877-565-8860: Trans Lifeline. LGBTQ+ friendly. For more information, visit
  • 800-931-2237: National Eating Disorder Helpline. For more information, visit
  • 800-799-7233: National Domestic Violence Hotline. For more information, visit
  • Sheppard Pratt Crisis Walk-In Clinic: 410-938-5302. Located in the Admissions suite of the Weinberg Bldg. on the Sheppard Pratt campus located at 6501 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD.
  • John’s Hopkins Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit
  • Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital Pediatric Psychiatry works with children thru adolescents and has a continuum of care